3 Tablets
Test-1 Boost

Test-1 Boost




Quick Facts
- 2:1:1 Ratio Of Leucine To Isoleucine And Valine
- Maintain Muscle Anabolism (Growth And Development)
- Decrease Muscle Catabolism (Breakdown)
- Easy To Swallow Tablets
- Made In The USA
- Nothing To Risk With Our 100% Guarantee
What To Expect When Taking Test-1 Boost
Test-1 Boost can be used when trying to put on mass or lose fat, as well as numerous additional benefits. Expect to sky rocket strength and power, improve stamina and endurance, train harder than ever, and boost your muscle mass. With normal dosages, there have been no side effects reported.
Why do you spending 1 - 2 hours in the gym 4 - 5 days a week in the gym putting yourself through unnecessary pain and sweat? More than likely, part of why you are doing it is to make yourself more attractive. Higher T levels improve your ability to be confident, smooth, and the ability to ultimately attract the person you want to spend time in the bedroom with.

Can You Really Boost Your T Levels Safely And Naturally?
You can absolutely increase T-levels naturally and safely. In fact, your daily routines and eating habits have the biggest effect on your T levels. If you’re eating enough calories, sticking to a proper diet, exercising regularly, and getting a full night of sleep, you’re already covering a lot of your bases.
After all of this is covered, Test-1 Boost can help you get an extra competitive edge. If you think you have the kind of low T that’s potentially a health issue, be sure to consult with your physician to make sure before you decide that you need a T boost.
Here are the compounds in Test-1 Boost that are shown to increase T levels in research studies:
Magnesium, Zinc, Tribulus Terrestris, Chrysin, Horny Goat Weed, Longjack, Saw Palmetto Berries, Hawthorn Berries, and Cissus Quadrangularis.
How Does T Production Work?What Does Improving Your T Levels Do?
1. Boosts Muscle Mass: We all know what protein synthesis is. This is the bread and butter for T production and how it gained its reputation in the world we live in.
2. Shreds Body Fat: Insulin is one of the primary reasons why body fat seems to win the war over our bodies. T supplements manage your insulin levels, which in turn decreases fat tissue. Adipose (aka the fat tissue) is what inevitably turns T to estrogen.
3. Strengthens Bones: It’s been shown that most folks with osteoporosis have incredibly low T levels. Higher T production strengthens the bones and essentially does the reverse of what osteoporosis does. So if you are doing cross fit, olympic power-lifting, or any athletic sport, having strong bones will help you perform better and prevent injury.
4. Increases Your Drive In The Bedroom: If you have noticed a decline in your drive or your ability to be active in the bedroom, a low T levels might be the culprit. There have been countless studies done on how having a higher drive in the bedroom seems to be a very common trait amongst those who are more affluent and financially successful.
5. Improves Brain Power: Many scientific studies have shown a good link between preventing brain tissue decay with higher T levels. While this is typically more relevant for older men, let’s face it… we all have a finite number of brain cells in our brain. We lose a ton every day so T supplements may indeed be a way to at the very least, slow down that loss.
6. Combats Depression: How does this have to do with building huge muscles? Well, if you’ve ever been depressed at any level, you know that it tends to shut your body down and motivation levels are drained quickly. For the majority of people, working out is at the bottom of their priority list especially when depression sets in. Low T levels in men have been linked to depression.

Test-1 Boost Usage
Take 3 tablets before you go to bed for optimal results. Each bottle should last about 30 days.